Comply with Malaysian Anti-Corruption Laws
We uphold the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009(MACC Act), including Section 17A on corporate liability, as well as any other relevant regulations.
Serve with Integrity
We ensure every decision and action is free from any element of bribery, dishonesty, or abuse of power to protect the company’s image and reputation.
Practice Transparency and Accountability
We conduct all procurement, financial, and business transactions with transparency, responsibility, and in accordance with good governance principles.
Report Misconduct
We encourage employees, suppliers, and business partners to report any misconduct, bribery, or unethical practices through official complaint channels, assuring full protection for whistleblowers.
Maintain a Culture of Awareness
We provide regular training and guidance to ensure everyone understands their responsibilities in preventing corruption and upholding high standards of integrity.
Consequences for Breach of this Pledge
We acknowledge and accept that any breach of this pledge—including acts of bribery, dishonesty, or unethical behavior—may result in disciplinary action, termination of employment or contract, legal consequences under Malaysian law, and any other appropriate measures deemed necessary by Swichtec Power Systems Sdn Bhd.